Hi, I am

Web Developer

Two developers working on a web project.
A selfie by João Dos Santos Silva

About Me

Toronto, Canada

Coding is my passion. I love the challenge of creating efficient and well-written code, and the sense of accomplishment that comes with seeing my work come to life on the screen. Whether it's working on a large-scale project or experimenting with new technologies, I am always eager to dive into the code and bring my ideas to fruition.

I'm a Bachelor of Computer Science, recently graduated from Lambton College with a degree in Computer Programmer and with over 6 years of experience as an ERP developer in Brazil. I have a solid understanding of business process management and how information systems can be used to increase efficiency. Furthermore,

I am excited to apply my skills and knowledge to a web developer career in Canada.


  • 👀👀
  • Ethosx
  • Prox
  • Swot-IT
  • Grant Thornton

In search of my first official experience in "CANADA"

Who knows in your company?

Feel free to contact me. I will be delighted to hear from you. Whether you have questions or want to chat about software development and tech, shoot me a message jholsas@gmail.com ✨

Full Stack Developer

Jun 2021 - Oct.2021


ETHOSX Consutoria is a reference channel in the information technology market in Brazil, approved by TOTVS® and specialized in ERP Protheus. Responsible for all aspects of the development process for a web application, including the front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) components.

Responsible for all aspects of the development process for a web application, including the front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) components.

Project highlight: New purchase orders feature

Premise: The client demanded an application where it was possible to insert, change, delete, approve, disapprove and monitor the status of purchase orders in real-time. In addition to integrating this new application via API to the company's ERP and CRM.

Development: Only 2 people on the team – working in sprints (Agile) – prioritized continuous delivery and test automation.

Outcome: The project was successfully completed 1 month before expected - the code was written cleanly and functionally.

Learnings: Communicating with stakeholders was key to understanding the requirements and dealing with obstacles immediately – the technology used was complex, but by using good programming practices it was possible to write cleaner functions and use the database more efficiently.

Skills: GitHub · Agile Methodologies · HTML5 · CSS3 · Vanilla JavaScript · AdvPL · REST APIs · JSON · TOTVS Protheus · TOTVS Fluig · SQL Database · Git

ERP Developer

Mar 2018 - Jun 2021


PROX is an Independent Consultancy specializing in ERP TOTVS® Protheus with the mission of offering the best solutions on the market to optimize processes and thus obtain better results.

Responsible for developing and customizing these systems, adapting them to the specific needs of each company. Creation of new modules, integration between systems, and implementation of new features in addition to maintenance and support of the existing system.

Project highlight: Digital Transformation of the HR sector.

Premise: The HR sector of a large company faced difficulties in carrying out routine processes such as requesting vacations, reimbursement in case of business trips, leave due to illness or pregnancy, layoffs and hiring. Because each of these processes generates a large volume of emails. In addition, much of this information was controlled by spreadsheets, which generated a high risk of data loss and human errors. The client required the automation of these processes, the centralization of information and the creation of digital tools to improve communication and collaboration between teams. In addition to integrating this new application via API to the company's ERP.

Development: The project was completed - to meet all the requested items were developed an application with five modules, which can be used both on computers and smartphones - In this way, centralized the information, making the process much faster and more efficient.

Outcome: The project was successfully completed 1 month before expected - the code was written cleanly and functionally.

Learnings: Communication was fundamental to understanding the HR routines requirements, because it is not only complex, but also has a legal basis, which is why an HR specialist was needed on the team - OutSystems technology is a complex low code tool and was something It was new to me at the time, but I was able to learn how to use it and it was possible to develop user-friendly and responsive applications.

Skills: OutSystems · HTML · Bootstrap · Figma (Software) · Agile Methodologies · Vanilla JavaScript · AdvPL · SQL Database

ERP Developer

Mar 2016 - Mar 2018


SWOT-IT is a systems and business process consultancy with an emphasis on ERP, process mapping, and new integrations.

Responsible for implementing, configuring and training employees in the financial, human resources, sales, purchasing, inventory, and production modules.

Project highlight: Automatic collection of fines for car rental companies.

Premise:The client demanded the automation of the fine collection process because due to the high volume of fines and the delay in the delivery of correspondence, the client was missing the deadline to indicate the motorist responsible for the fine, which generated a great loss for the company.

Development:2 people on the team - working in sprints (Agile) - prioritized continuous delivery and test automation.

Outcome:The project was completed - For this purpose, an application was created within the customer's ERP that communicated via API with the traffic department, linked the fine with the customer who rented the car on the day the fine was generated and triggered an e-mail informing that the customer had a fine to pay, in addition to creating an accounts receivable item with the customer's data in the ERP billing module.

Learnings:The customer's database was long and complex, but I could learn to write cleaner functions and use the database more efficiently.

Skills: Web Services · AdvPL · REST APIs · SQL Database · SOAP

ERP Developer

Jul 2012 - Apr 2016


Grant Thornton is a top-five global organization in the areas of audit, tax, consulting, transactions and outsourcing. It helps dynamic organizations unlock their growth potential by providing meaningful, forward-looking recommendations.

Responsible for programming, configuration, customization and maintenance of the ERP system. I worked on projects in several sectors, such as industry, commerce, finance and health, always seeking to understand the customer's needs to offer customized solutions. In addition, I have experience in integrating ERP Protheus with other systems and applications, including CRM, BI and other systems.

Project highlight: Automated system update.

Premise:Grant Thornton Companies is a leading consultancy in Brazil. With more than 500 client companies. When the ERP changing versions used to take hundreds of hours to update all client companies. Therefore, it was requested create automation to perform the version change.

Development:2 people on the team - working in sprints (Agile) - prioritized continuous delivery and test automation.

Outcome:The project was completed successfully - After the implementation of the automation, the processing time was reduced to 10 hours.

Learnings:For the correct operation of the application, it was necessary to create several automated backup mechanisms, in addition to learning about security tools to guarantee data consistency.

Skills: Oracle Database · Kanban · AdvPL · SQL Database



In this project, an application was created to generate the organization chart of a company.

This project was developed from the React with Javascript ES6+ course, to put into practice my initial studies on React.

Project created based on a Figma project.

This landing page is designed for smartphones, tablets and desktops.

Stacks: React, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3.

Secret Number Game

This project created a secret number-guessing game using voice commands.

For the recognition of the voice commands, the Web Speech API was used, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript for creating the pages.

Stacks: Vanilla JavaScript, Web Speech API,HTML5, CSS3.

Book Store - Alura Books

In this project, an e-commerce site was created for Alura Books, an online technology bookstore.

Using the mobile first methodology and using a Figma project as a basis.

This landing page is designed for Smartphones, Tablets and Desktops.

Stacks: React, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3.

Promo Web Page - Alura Plus

A website to promote Alura Plus, a streaming platform with Alura's educational content.

In this project, create a homepage of a Figma project.

A landing page is designed for desktops.

Stacks: HTML5, CSS3.